Inquiry Booking Gallery

Closer to nature in the architecture hotel, Bavaria

Thanks to the architect Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Loebermann the Biohotel STURM in Bavaria is now also a design hotel and presents itself in a new guise. Since 2016 the visionary architectural artist has been transforming the house into a work of art – very close to nature. Our Garden View Rooms for example, were awarded by Best Architects 24. A house where one of the most beautiful nature experience regions in Germany awaits to be discovered by you at its doorstep.

Design and Nature in the architecture hotel in Bavaria

Architecture hotel Bavaria: our style at the design hotel Architecture hotel Bavaria: our style at the design hotel Architecture hotel Bavaria: our style at the design hotel

Einfach und

Visitor Information
Duration of stay
Best hotel deals and packages in Bavaria: Biohotel Sturm

-10% ab 3 Nächten

-15% ab 7 Nächten


Unser Wochenprogramm:

Mittwoch: Klangentspannung & Yoga
Donnerstag & Freitag: Morgenyoga
Donnerstag: zusätzliche Klangentspannung
