Inquiry Booking Gallery
Yoga hotel Rhön: Wellness & Yoga in perfect harmony

Holidays at the yoga hotel in the Rhön

Begin. Grow. Transform. The eco-friendly approach of our yoga hotel Sturm in the Rhön also stands for a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature and personal well-being, to which yoga can also contribute. Therefore, you will find suitable spaces and outdoor areas at our hotel grounds to liberate body and mind during your yoga flows.

Experiences at the yoga hotel, Rhön

Yoga hotel Rhön: Wellness & Yoga in perfect harmony Yoga hotel Rhön: Wellness & Yoga in perfect harmony Yoga hotel Rhön: Wellness & Yoga in perfect harmony

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Visitor Information
Duration of stay
Best hotel deals and packages in Bavaria: Biohotel Sturm

-10% ab 3 Nächten

-15% ab 7 Nächten


Unser Wochenprogramm:

Mittwoch: Klangentspannung & Yoga
Donnerstag & Freitag: Morgenyoga
Donnerstag: zusätzliche Klangentspannung
