Inquiry Booking Gallery

Sustainable wellness holiday in the Rhön, Bavaria

Our garden is spacious enough for everyone. For the plants in our Naschgarten, the animal visitors like birds and bees. And, of course, for our hotel guests. Spanning 15,000 square meters, you can follow the rhythm of nature and discover the individual melody of your heart.

Hotel with garden, Bavaria, Rhön

Wellness holidays Rhön at the hotel with garden, Bavaria Wellness holidays Rhön at the hotel with garden, Bavaria Wellness holidays Rhön at the hotel with garden, Bavaria

Indulge in the spa vacation in the Rhön

The outdoor experiences in your spa vacation are crowned with delightful culinary treats. Every day, the specialities are freshly prepared with the finest aromas, using the best regional and seasonal organic ingredients. Creatively served to captivate, seduce, and delight.

Einfach und

Visitor Information
Duration of stay
Best hotel deals and packages in Bavaria: Biohotel Sturm

-10% ab 3 Nächten

-15% ab 7 Nächten


Unser Wochenprogramm:

Mittwoch: Klangentspannung & Yoga
Donnerstag & Freitag: Morgenyoga
Donnerstag: zusätzliche Klangentspannung
