Inquiry Booking Gallery

A vacation in the heart of Germany

Double room Zeitgeist
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Vacation in the heart of Germany: double room, BavariaVacation in the heart of Germany: double room, Bavaria

Your room in the heart of Germany

Modern, linear and reduced in design. Our Double Room Zeitgeist is a real eyecatcher. Boasting a warm colour concept, a fine selection of materials and pleasant details, it provides a feel-good ambience.

Your room features
  • double bed
  • bathroom with toilet and shower or tub
  • flat TV
  • free Wi-Fi
  • sauna bag with bathrobe and towels (during your stay)
  • Wellness
  • Cuisine
  • Activities
Wellness hotel Rhön: Spa & organic wellness / Rhön-Spa
Wellness hotel Rhön: Spa & organic wellness / Rhön-Spa
Relax time in the Rhön

Don’t bury your head in the sand – use water! Of course, you can also relax in the sauna or treat yourself to a wonderful massage.

Wellness hotel Rhön: Spa & organic wellness / Rhön-Spa

Einfach und

Visitor Information
Duration of stay
Best hotel deals and packages in Bavaria: Biohotel Sturm

-10% ab 3 Nächten

-15% ab 7 Nächten


Unser Wochenprogramm:

Mittwoch: Klangentspannung & Yoga
Donnerstag & Freitag: Morgenyoga
Donnerstag: zusätzliche Klangentspannung
