Inquiry Booking Gallery

Swimming fun in the wellness hotel in Bavaria

It quickly became clear to us and our acquainted landscape gardeners that nothing but a natural swimming pond would suffice for our wellness hotel in Bavaria. Together with a landscape gardener, we created an ecological swimming pond in the garden, filled with pure, revitalizing Grander water. The swimming and regeneration zones of the pond now form a small ecosystem in the middle of the expansive hotel grounds.

Swimming at the wellness hotel, Bavaria

Our natural swimming pond at the wellness hotel, Bavaria Our natural swimming pond at the wellness hotel, Bavaria Our natural swimming pond at the wellness hotel, Bavaria

Einfach und

Visitor Information
Duration of stay
Best hotel deals and packages in Bavaria: Biohotel Sturm

-10% ab 3 Nächten

-15% ab 7 Nächten


Unser Wochenprogramm:

Mittwoch: Klangentspannung & Yoga
Donnerstag & Freitag: Morgenyoga
Donnerstag: zusätzliche Klangentspannung
